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Young Dancers

Our young dancers enjoy lots of fun at their classes and events.

Young Dancers

Our young Dancers enjoy lots of fun at their classes and events.

Our regular Saturday morning Childrens classes continue in 2025 and the Winter term starts on Saturday 11th January.

P1 and above          9:30 - 10:15 am:.

Our youngest dancers (P1 and above) learn music, rhythm and movement, offering children the chance to enjoy Scottish country dancing and ceilidh music in a fun environment, meeting new friends and learning the basic shapes of formations and some fun easy dances.

P5 and above         10:15 - 11:15  am:

Leading on from this our older group (P5 and above), develop their steps and formations while continuing to expand their knowledge of dances.


We offer opportunities for all young dancers to be involved in competitions, performances and displays to boost their confidence, build their teamwork skills and for a chance to perform in front of an audience.

Children of all ages are also offered the opportunity to work towards Graded Medal Tests, certified by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Where: Greenbank Church Upper Hall, Braidburn Terrace, Edinburgh, EH10 6ES

Dates: Winter: 11 January – 29 March, except 8 & 15 February (10 weeks)
            Spring: 26 April – 14 June, except 3 & 24 May (6 weeks)

Time:   P1 and above 9.30 – 10.15am
            P5 and above 10.15 – 11.15am

Cost:   £4 per week payable in advance
                  Winter £40 for 10 weeks
                  Spring £24 for 6 weeks

Use the following button to book the complete Winter term at £40 for 10 weeks

Book here for P1+ or P5+     






RSCDS Edinburgh Branch Annual Children’s Ball

Annual Children’s Ball

Our Annual Children’s Ball is the highlight of the dancing year for children all over Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Watch this space for information about our next Ball

RSCDS Edinburgh Branch taster session for children

Free Scottish Dance Taster sessions for Schools in Edinburgh

For decades Scottish country dancing was a staple part of school life around Edinburgh. Now, with the huge resurgence in the popularity of ceilidhs, traditional music and dancing, your school could once again become part of Edinburgh’s thriving Dance Trad community for young people.

Contact us for more information as to how your school can be part of this.


We are frequently asked questions regarding dress, drop-off, teachers etc. so we have created a dedicated page that we hope will answer all your queries.


Drop us a line

We hope you have found the information you need on our website, if not check out our FAQs or drop us a line and we’ll respond as quickly as possible.

Get in touch